10 Things You Need To Know About Desperados III

2. It'll Scratch That Hitman Itch

Desperados III
THQ Nordic

Desperados III isn't Hitman. In fairness, a lot of Hitman games weren't even Hitman, but they were at least trying to replicate that patented formula of presenting players with a singular problem, but allowing them almost total freedom in deciding how to solve it. Here-Is-Your-Target-Now-Off-You-Go isn't a genre, but it should be.

Early on in Desperados III the game puts all its cards on the table and tells you that you can have the exact same sort of fun here. Infiltrating a town with several occupants all in need of a thorough killin', simply listening in to the NPC's conversations reveals several methods by which you can accomplish this. You're free to kick the saloon doors in and just shoot the place, or you can take more clandestine approaches and fit them for a toe-tag without ever going near them.

Every mission features a seemingly limitless scope for completion, with the addition of more and more characters expanding your options even further. While this means you're free to play the game as sneaky or as gory as you like, it also means that going back to the drawing board is always an enticing prospect.

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