10 Things You Need To Know About The Cancelled Justice League Video Game

3. The Characters

Given the screenshots, videos and concept art that have emerged from the cancelled Justice League game, you can get a fairly decent idea of which characters were playable (although there's no real way of knowing the full extent of the roster, or which characters might have been downloadable or unlockable as the game progressed). Confirmed characters include Green Lantern, Star Sapphire, Captain Cold, The Trickster, Mr. Freeze and Martian Manhunter (who can all be seen in concept art from the game) in addition to the fact that the likes of Superman, Batman, Bane, Flash and Bizarro can be seen in video footage. It's fair to assume that there were probably more characters (Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Joker etc), as eleven seems like both a small number and a non-round number of players to have, but who those characters were certainly isn't known.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.