10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Street Fighter

5. Final Fight Was Originally A Sequel To Street Fighter I

The original sequel for Street Fighter was re-branded after it strayed into the beat-em-up genre, becoming what we now call the Final Fight series. Capcom decided to separate the brands, deciding that a beat-em-up game could cash in on the success of titles like Double Dragon, hence Final Fight was born. This decision also helped mould Street Fighter II into what it was, as it was decided multi-player would then be the focus for the game, as Final Fight had already covered the single player experience in arcades. This is also an explanation as to why Final Fight characters such as Poison, Alex, Hugo, Sodom and Relento appear in various Street Fighter games due to the link that closely relates the two series. Had this separation not happened, Street Fighter II would not have had any of the crucial innovations it introduced, meaning the fighting genre would never have set-off as it did. It may have been a minor decision, but the ripple effect would have been huge in retrospect.

Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.