10 Things You Should Know About Dating A Gamer

6. Don't Try And Help

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I don't know about you guys, perhaps I'm just crazy, but I hate it when someone walks into my room, sees my playing a game, and then starts screaming suggestions at me like we're seconds away from impact aboard the Titanic. Not only does it stress me out further during a difficult situation, but there's one wholly more worrying and frustrating prospect - what if their suggestion is correct?

I'm far from a gaming perfectionist, but if someone suggests something I didn't think of and it actually helps me, I feel as though I haven't finished the game myself, diminishing the sense of achievement, as short of getting hold of one of the Men in Black's de-neuralisers or inflicting upon myself a massive head injury, there's no way to forget that knowledge without abandoning the game for a few years.

I hate it when mates do it, and definitely when partners do it. It's not something that non-gamers can really understand, either (and I doubt all that many gamers do really, mind), so it's probably best sticking to words of encouragement unless your partner specifically doesn't mind some help. Maybe ask them? After all, communication is the foundation of any relationship.

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