10 Things You Won't Believe Inspired Iconic Video Games

5. Street Fighter II's Design Was Based On A Charles Bronson Film

Chipper and Sons Five Nights at Freddy's

Although the first Street Fighter game was a success, the developers at Capcom wanted the sequel to really stand out. To make it more exciting, the creators drew inspiration from the 1975 film, Hard Times, which revolves around a street-fighting competition.

In the movie, Charles Bronson plays a drifter trying to earn some cash by taking part in illegal fights. Two of the stand-out brawls take place on a dock and in a factory. Capcom loved the sets and the cheering actors in the background and so, copied it into the game. The dock scene was used for Ken’s level and the factory scene was used for Zangief’s level.

At first, some people thought this was just a coincidence. However, the way the characters pose, punch, and kick is taken directly from the film. The design of the ship in the movie and the game is identical. Even the extras in the background are doing the same poses.

Also, the original title for the film was The Streetfighter! It was changed to Hard Times when ANOTHER film called The Street Fighter was released one year earlier.


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