10 Thoroughly Mistreated Video Game Franchises

7. Sonic The Hedgehog

Sonic The Hedgehog 2006 Sonic

You would think with being the biggest franchise in Sega's library that Sonic Team would know what to do with the series, but as it turns out, they have no clue. And they haven't for a very long time.

Of course we had the original and iconic trilogy back on the Genesis, and the fun Sonic Adventure duology, but afterwards the series started taking a nose dive that it never recovered from. The developers just had no idea how to make Sonic appealing, adding more and more gimmicks.

While Sonic Heroes and even Shadow the Hedgehog were fine if not slightly mediocre, the fact they felt they had to give Sonic's darker twin a gun should speak volumes.

That's not even going into the mess that was Sonic 06, the Werehog, and Sonic Forces.

The only game that got any widespread acclaim for the blue hedgehog in the modern era was Sonic Mania, a game that was created by diehard fans of the series. With how great everything else in the world of Sonic is right now, we hope that the games will match up with that quality eventually.


I write and nerd out about stuff.