10 All-Time Best Zombie Games That We All Love

3. Resident Evil 2

Atmosphere is vital to horror games. Keeping the player on their toes throughout will always lead to better scares and a better game; Dead Space is a great example of this. An even better example is Resident Evil 2 though, a game that embodies everything that is terrifying about video games. It's not often that I will go crazy about one single piece of music in a game but listen to the Police Station, Main Hall theme in Resident Evil 2 below €“ it's an amazingly unsettling piece of music and it sets the tone for Resi 2 perfectly. Resident Evil is still a great game but its sequel improves on it in several ways; improved graphics made the game feel more like a cinematic experience; the newly introduced Licker enemies will constantly creep you out; and the setting (the game is set during the zombie outbreak that decimates Raccoon City) allows you to experience the horror of this scenario far more than the isolated mansion of the first game. The game still has its issues, especially looking back now (the controls were never great and aiming your weapons could be a pain), but Resident Evil 2 can still make me uneasy sixteen years after its release €“ that's impressive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orHrAEU-W84

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.