Biggest Controversy: Everyone reporting that it was 'GTA in a school'. Rockstar's finest work this side of Red Dead Redemption, by the very nature of being forced to change the name in an attempt to dissuade players from finding the 'horrors' within, it just meant everyone made the extra effort to find out why in the first place. Still titled Bully in the US, the mainstream press took one look at the idea of a game being developed by the creators of GTA, realised it was set in a school, and let their most reactionary headlines to the talking. Although the reality of gameplay was that you were the one being bullied just as much as anyone else thanks to a brilliant portrayal of young adulthood, you'd think this was the all-damning Satan-Simulator: High School Edition if you believed what was on the nightly news at the time. Thanks to one of the best custom scores ever created for a video game that brought about Harry Potter-esque comparisons in the venturing away from your family to spend time in an foreign-feeling dormitory, there were also a plethora of missions to undertake for all the factions in the school - alongside a rewarding system of progression that gave you new skills only if you attended class. And as a clear message to tell all 'the kids', there's nothing better. Which other titles caught your attention by way of a headline-filter? Let us know in the comments!