10 Times Drinking Went Horribly Wrong In Video Games

8. Leisure Suit Larry - Taxi Driver

The original Leisure Suit Larry In the Land of the Lounge Lizards is a cautionary tale of the pitfalls and false promise of the late '80s Las Vegas bar scene. Alcohol in this game can be an agent for good or bad. For example, opening up new areas and eliciting more helpful dialogue from NPCs, or conversely, impairing Larry's ability to get his point across coherently.

However, it is when moving locations using the game's faithful taxi that the effects can be most seriously felt. As it turns out, your driver may have his own control issues when it comes to the hard stuff. Upon entering the vehicle with an alcoholic drink still in Larry's possession, the driver will proceed to snatch it from you and down the lot. This is followed by a game over, explaining the vehicle had collided with a bridge and text admonishing the player for being such a poor friend to the man.


Writer on international relations, political philosophy, and drunken cowboys in video games. Contributor at WhatCulture.