10 Times Games Accidentally Lost All Of Your Progress

6. Turret On A Button - Portal 2

crash twinsanity

Softlocking is actually a common occurrence in Portal 2. Several stages have fail-safes in case the player does something to block the exit or otherwise prevent themselves from finishing the level.

However, there is one extremely rare occurrence that even the game isn't prepared for.

In one of the later stages when Wheatley takes control of the facility, there is a small chance that one of the frankenturrets that Wheatley spawns can be pushed onto a button that opens the exit door by another turret, undoing all your work put into solving the puzzle and, even worse, preventing you from exiting the level.

Unlike other softlocks in the game, the turret is a glitch, so the game doesn't have a solution for it, and you can't do anything about the turret itself because it doesn't count as an interactible object.

You're basically forced to start the entire level over, setting you back by a significant amount of time. In fact, if you're unlucky enough to have only one save after the glitch has occurred, you might even lose all of your progress!

Somehow, Wheatley is even more incompetent at running the lab than everyone thought.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.