10 Times Games Accidentally Lost All Of Your Progress

2. Metal Detector - Resident Evil: CODE Veronica

crash twinsanity

The Resident Evil safe boxes are some of the more recognizable features of the series. They allow the player to store any of the excess items they are carrying and allow them to keep their inventory nice and organized without forcing them to throw anything out.

However, in Resident Evil: Code Veronica, one such box can cost you your entire playthrough if you put the wrong items into it.

Early on in the story, you come across a metal detector box where the game expects you to drop some of your items.

Now, you might be tempted to store the things you won't need for immediate combat there, but doing so would be a grave mistake.

You see, later on in the story, the game takes away your access to the box. Fromt that point, all of the items you kept them are gone forever, so if you decided to put important story items there or all of the arsenal that you need to defeat late-game bosses, you've basically softlocked yourself out of completing the game.

At that point, your only choice is to start over and never trust another box in your life again!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.