10 Times Games Made Fun Of You (And Gave You An Achievement As A Reminder)

They just had to rub it in, didn't they?

Metal Gear Solid 2 Snake Beater

In the player-developer dynamic, it's typically the latter who holds all the cards. Whoever makes the game gets to decide what happens to the one playing it.

Sometimes, this power leads to the player being mercilessly trolled by the creator, who takes the complete piss out of you just because they can.

But hey, at least no one will know you were made fun of, right?

Well, think again!

The cruelty of some developers truly knows no bounds. Not even do they love to make you the victim of their sick jokes, they will also give you an achievement for it so that you and everyone who knows you can have a permanent reminder of that one regrettable moment.

Whether it's tricking you into doing something humiliating, making you the punching bag of a joke, or putting you through a silly situation, the following games have a special reward waiting for those they have trolled.

You can think of it as a consolation prize or a burning reminder of your humiliation, but whatever the case may be, you can bet these achievements will stick with you forever.

10. The Call Of Nature - The Last Guardian

Metal Gear Solid 2 Snake Beater
Team ICO

The Last Guardian's Trico is a cute but mischievous creature. Although his catlike behavior tends to melt hearts, at the same time it can be absolutely infuriating when you are trying to solve a puzzle and Trico is too busy jumping on walls or ignoring you.

However, as mad as Trico's disobedience can make you, it's still not the worst thing the oversized chicken cat can do to you.

That would be "helping" you get "The Call of Nature" achievement.

To get the achievement, you simply have to witness Trico... relieving himself right in front of your character. Yes, as if randomly shoving you off cliffs wasn't enough, Trico can really rub it in your face by pooping himself while you try to solve puzzles, and this is how you get the aforementioned achievement.

The fact that the developers even bothered to put it in the game is questionable, but the fact they made a reward out of it clearly shows they did it, so that just when you think you've seen it all, Trico could have one last laugh at your expense.

He really is a giant cat.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.