10 Times Games Made Fun Of You (And Gave You An Achievement As A Reminder)

3. Turd Burglar - Duke Nukem Forever

Metal Gear Solid 2 Snake Beater
3D Realms

Duke Nukem Forever is a huge joke in an of itself, what with its rocky development process, constant delays, and the final release that made it feel like it should've come out ten years earlier.

However, just because the game was the internet's punching bag back in 2011, it doesn't mean it cannot make fun of you back.

And no, not just because you were playing it in the first place.

The game has a special achievement for those who let their curiosity get the better of them and grabbed a piece of poo straight from the toilet.

Called "Turd Burglar," the achievement calls you out for hand diving into the toilet bowl, and it even claims you have "stolen" the poop, even if you'd done it by accident.

The first (and probably last) time you play Duke Nukem Forever, everything is strange and confusing, which is why it's easy to pick up random things out of curiosity, and this is how the game tricks you into its sick game of "turd burglary."

And just like that, you suddenly have to explain to your friends why you're playing Duke Nukem Forever, and why you're "stealing" poop in it. Great!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.