9. Riding Through Mexico - Red Dead Redemption

halo 3 trailer
Rockstar Games

Over the years, Red Dead Redemption has been repeatedly lauded for its flawless graphics, well-rounded gameplay, and focus on characterisation.

But another aspect of Rockstar's magnum opus that can't be overstated is the music. Composers, Bill Elm and Woody Jackson, compiled a beautiful soundtrack that perfectly accentuates John Marston's grizzled persona and doomed mission.

The best example of how impeccably this music is utilised is when the questionable outlaw rides towards Mexico, with Jos Gonzalez's Far Away playing in the background. 

Although the route is relatively straightforward, the enriching tune and Gonzalez's soft timber make this sequence memorable. Lyrics like "Who are you trying to impress, steadily creating a mess?" really hits home, as it becomes clear Marston is discarding everything he cares for to embark on a mission that's destined to end in tragedy.

If an alternative song was used, this scene may not have invoked anything soulful or meaningful. Instead, we would just be looking at a guy riding through a bridge on a horse. 

Thankfully, Rockstar selected the perfect melody to represent the next chapter in Marston's journey, creating one of Red Dead Redemption's most unforgettable moments.

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