10 Times Miles Morales Spider-Man Totally Outdid Peter Parker

9. Uncle, Uncle!

miles spiderman uncle
Marvel Comics

Okay, so everyone knows that Uncle Ben is one of the core tenets of the Spider-Man mythos, well seemingly everyone except for the MCU Spidey, but that’s a different story. Well, Miles’ answer to that is Mile’s uncle, Aaron Davis aka The Prowler. Starting as a Peter Parker Spider-Man villain in issue #78 of The Amazing Spider-Man (1969), The Prowler’s story is just as interesting as his nephew’s. The Prowler has had many iterations, but the Aaron Davis version is by far the most popular, even making his MCU debut in 2017’s Spiderman Homecoming portrayed by Donald Glover. He was voiced again by Mahershala Ali in Spider-Verse.

While no one is claiming that Uncle Ben is unimportant, the MCU proved that you can tell a great Spidey origin without him and still hit many of the important beats. The same cannot be said about a Miles story without The Prowler. Miles’ father (who we’ll get to in just a second) and Aaron Davis provide a great dichotomy, showing Miles what happens when you forget to use your power for good.

Recently, in the current run of Miles Morales: Spider-Man, penned by Saladin Ahmed, Aaron Davis sacrifices himself and seemingly dies to save his nephew. This loss, which was also a feature of Into the Spider-Verse, is something Miles is still actively dealing with in the story. Either way you dice it, The Prowler has simply had a more significant effect on the story of Spider-Man than poor Uncle Ben ever could.

Maybe it’s the fact that Aaron Davis knows and actively tampers with both the Miles and Spider-Man sides of our hero’s life, while Uncle Ben was for the most part subjected to a background role in Peter Parker’s story. Fans everywhere are clamouring for the day we see Donald Glover dawn The Prowler’s suit in the movies and start making trouble for whoever the MCU’s Miles will be.

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