10 Times Video Game Developers Totally Destroyed Their Own Creations

1. Ubisoft Say Female Assassin Would've Been "Too Much Work"

assassin's creed syndicate evie

EA and Ubisoft have shared an unfortunate amount of limelight over the course of this list, yet sadly it has to be the latter that take top spot when all is said and done. We talked already about the quality issues that struck Assassin's Creed Unity soon after its release, but that was nothing compared to the immense stupidity that the developers demonstrated when discussing the game's multiplayer modes.

Following a multitude of questions about why no female assassins were made playable for the game's online modes, representatives from the studio offered a number of responses that boiled down to it being too much extra work. From claims about some "8,000 extra animations" being needed, through to assertions about doubling the voice artist' workload - the whole thing smacked of laziness.

Later, when many of these answers were debunked - some by former designers and developers from the series - Ubisoft took to the odd addition that all online players are actually playing as single player protagonist, Arno. This explanation stated "Assassin's Creed Unity is focused on the story of the lead character, Arno. Whether playing by yourself or with the co-op Shared Experiences, you the gamer will always be playing as Arno, complete with his broad range of gear and skill sets that will make you feel unique."

I mean, Assassin's Creed is already barmier than a bag of pheasants, but still.

This odd, logic-defying suggestion took laziness straight into the realms of stupidity, and Ubisoft's apparent unwillingness to put in a little extra work cost them and their game a lot of fans in 2014. Couple this with the damage done by Unity's buggy release, and you really have to wonder if the once promising series will ever truly recover.


Are there any other times prominent developers dropped royal clangers about their games? Let us know in the comments!


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.