10 Times Video Games "Helped" (And Made Everything Worse)

7. The Death System - Sekiro

Deus Ex Human Revolution Thumb

Fans of Fromsoft's previous hard-as-nails games Dark Souls and Bloodborne have long debated over whether Sekiro's changed death system was intended to aid players, or to further limit them.

In Bloodborne, death would merely lose you your Blood Echoes, which you'd use to level up - and even then, they could be collected once more if you managed to return to the spot you left them without dying again. Dark Souls was slightly crueller, but had more or less the same system, with the addition of you losing health every time you died - although, again, this could be countered and cancelled in a variety of creative ways.

In Sekiro, this changes quite drastically. Should you die and have to restart at your last checkpoint, you'll have lost half of your money, and half the experience you had towards your next skill point. But it doesn't stop there, though, as every death also gives you a chance of spreading Dragonrot to an NPC, causing their questline to stop until you use an item to remove the curse.

While this decision was presumably made because losing health after death in Dark Souls could make the game painfully hard, you're actually more scared to die in Sekiro, as you could harm the few NPCs that are friendly to you.


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