10 Times Video Games Secretly Spoiled Their Own Story

2. The Prologue Mural Spells Out Major Story Events - God Of War

God of War 2018

After players defeat God of War's final boss Baldur, Kratos and Atreus head to Jötunheim and find a beautiful mural which depicts their adventures over the course of the game, implying that more-or-less everything that happened had been prophecised.

But quite brilliantly, this mural also makes an appearance far earlier in the game - right at the beginning, in fact.

During Kratos' opening brawl with Baldur - or, as he's known then, The Stranger - you'll throw him against a giant stone slab, and that slab contains a faded version of the very same mural seen at the end of the game.

You'll need a pair of eagle-eyes to make out its contents, but you can just faintly make out not only the final boss fight against Baldur, but also the giant Thamur, the epic escape from Helheim, and Kratos' encounters with the World Serpent among others.

While these images obviously provide only contextual hints at what's to come - and are tough to spot at that - they do nevertheless lay out some of the game's biggest set-pieces in pretty straight-forward fashion.

God of War 2018 Ending

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.