10 Times Video Games Secretly Spoiled Their Own Story

8. The Boss Tells You She Didn't Defect After The Prologue - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater The Boss

Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Easter boasts one of the most ingeniously executed and downright affecting plot twists in video game history, that apparent USSR defector The Boss had not in fact defected at all.

Instead, she was still very much on the side of the U.S., feigning defection in order to infiltrate Volgin's ranks and acquire the Philosopher's Legacy. In the end, she died with the entire world thinking she was a terrorist, save for Snake, Eva, and a few others.

But this mind-blowing twist is actually blatantly revealed much earlier in the game, not long after the Virtuous Mission prologue is completed and the opening credits play out.

After Snake encounters The Boss and she disarms him, Snake asks why she defected to the USSR, and she flat-out says, "I didn't. I'm loyal to the end, my purpose."

And there it is. Though The Boss' is such a brilliantly compelling "villain" that virtually nobody caught this on a first playthrough, it's quite the epic truth bomb on subsequent runs.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.