10 Times Video Games Totally Broke Your Trust - Commenter Edition

8. The Sign-Loving Subrosian - The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Seasons

the legend of zelda oracle of seasons subrosia

Breaking stuff and The Legend of Zelda games really do go hand-in-hand. Break a pot, break all the pots, chop all the grass, chop the signs, you get the picture, Link is a bit of a bull in a china shop when he’s let loose. So there’s an expectation that since so many things in Zelda games are destructible, there’s really no harm in “hiya”-ing your way through everything in sight, right?

Well, sort of. Everything is just dandy right up until you meet the Sign-Loving Subrosian in Subrosia, the subterranean lava world that sits beneath Holodrum.

This guy loves signs, like really loves them. He keeps track of how many signs you break in the game and asks how you could be so cruel to break signs around town. Once you’ve broken one-hundred or more signs the happy-go-lucky sign man loses it with you and tells you to prepare for what’s to come. At this point the start-up screen will flash up implying you’ve lost your save file and the game has either restarted or your progress has been erased.

Of course, this is only a troll and the Sign-Loving Subrosian gives you the Sign Ring to remind you of your mistake but you’ll have been absolutely terrified for a second there.

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Dark Souls 3
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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.