10 Times Video Games Totally Broke Your Trust - Commenter Edition

5. Idle Screen Ghosts - Fatal Frame 2

Fatal Frame 2

Fatal Frame 2 isn’t the first game in the series to feature this nasty little trust-breaking feature but it is as cheeky and trolly in Fatal Frame 2 as ever. Leave your controller alone for too long and this iconic horror title will fade in horrific ghostly visages across your screen. Because god forbid you take a few seconds away from the relentless ghost-riddled terror to grab a snack or take a phone call.

While some games on this list broke your trust in save locations, this one just drops the rules of what you expect any video game to do by essentially loading up a creepy ghost screensaver.

Keep playing? See scary ghosts. Stop playing? See scary ghosts. Either way Fatal Frame ensures it keeps its place as a seminal horror franchise and you stay primed for terror at every moment.

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Dark Souls 3
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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.