10 Times Video Games Totally Broke Your Trust - Commenter Edition

3. You’re On The Clock - Deus Ex: Human Revolution

deus ex human revolution hostages

Right near the beginning of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, in the very first mission in fact, you’re tasked with saving hostages. What you couldn’t have known is that an invisible timer has kicked off and if you don’t get underway in time, all the hostages will die. If, for example, you spend too much time exploring the first building before getting on the helicopter you won’t get there in time to save them.

Of course, as mentioned, there’s no way for you to know that all of a sudden you need to get a wriggle on so the game has taken your expectations that almost all video game time limits are fake and made it very real.

You’ll never think of all RPG time limits as artificial again after this one. Especially if you managed to get the hostages killed. Oops.

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Dark Souls 3
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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.