10 Tiny Details In Batman: Arkham Knight Everyone Missed

5. Batman’s No Kill Policy Loopholes

Batman Arkham Knight Batsuit
Warner Bros.

Batman might have a no-kill policy, incredible destruction capabilities of the Batmobile notwithstanding, but he definitely doesn’t have any maiming policy. This can be seen by those willing to pause fights and use photo mode to see the damage Bat’s been dealing. Thugs bleed and bruise up as a result of your wailing and the results aren’t just realistic, they’re incredibly detailed. You’d be forgiven for missing this one as once the fight’s over you’re probably focussing on your next target or moving on but attentive players can notice that cuts will appear and your foes can get black eyes.

I mean, we’ve all seen the way Batman fights, they’re definitely going to get black eyes. Probably concussions. Are we sure he’s not killing these guys?

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