10 Tiny Video Game Details That Give Away Character Secrets

9. You're Actually A Cat - Ghost Trick

Ghost Trick Phantom Detective

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (which might just be the best name a video game has ever had), is a quirky adventure title released on the Nintendo DS, which sees the player take control of a spectre named Sissel and tasked with figuring out who they're controlling, why they're a ghost, and what their purpose is.

It's mad, mad stuff, and that kind of mysterious set up inherently informs the player that twists are to be expected. Even with those expectations in mind though, nobody could guess that Sissel was actually a cat who was shot before becoming a ghost.

On a second playthrough though, it's so obvious that Sissel isn't human. To the point where it's a bit embarrassing. The fact that you meet other spirits who have taken different forms than their alive selves (who are also the only other spirits with amnesia, by the way), have a tendency to play fight with rats, can see in the dark, hates getting wet, and all around exhibits cat-like behaviour, clues you in without you knowing it.

Seriously, there are that many hints in the game that there are entire pages dedicated to the foreshadowing, and it's totally amazing.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3