At some stage or another we've all had to consider it; what if one day the dead really do rise and we are forced to fight for our survival against the masses of hungry zombies who have taken back to the earth? Whether it's from watching a film or TV show, reading a book or playing a video game, we've all had to think about just how we'd survive such an ordeal. And, unsurprisingly, you are probably having to consider your own chances for survival in a zombie holocaust right now as you read these words... Well fear not! We're here to tell you that the clues for survival are closer (and far more fun to research) than you might think. Along with providing us no end of entertainment, zombie-themed video games have actually been giving us tips for surviving an undead apocalypse for quite some time now. So here we have compiled some of the most important things that these games want you to bear in mind should you ever open the front door to find your friendly neighbours have all been turned into flesh hungry monsters! Whoever said there was nothing useful on the internet any more, eh?
10. Keep Your Head

This may sound obvious, but if video games are anything to go by then it's apparently not always an easy thing to do. It is crucial, though, that you keep your wits about you if you find yourself on trying to survive the zombie apocalypse. Though not exclusively zombie-based games, the 'Silent Hill' series offer players a look at what terrifying hallucinations one's own frantic and panicked mind can create in this situation. One of the last things you'll want when the dead rise back to earth is to be having to fight off nightmarish illusions. If you let your mind slip you could find yourself frantically swinging an axe or chainsaw at some imaginary pixie, all the while not realising that a zombie has stumbled its way towards you and is preparing to take a large bite out of your neck. You'll want to find solace in the moments of quiet in between the fights and struggles. Try to remember what you're fighting for. Many video games like to use memory sequences to remind players that they are trying to help their characters find a way back to the lives they had before the outbreak. Try to imagine being reunited with a loved one, returning to that killer salary you had or, if nothing else, enjoy the satisfying crunch you heard when you sunk a hammer into the zombified skull of that guy from your office that you just never liked. If you can keep a calm head on your shoulders mentally, you're far less likely to have your head bitten from your shoulders...