10 Totally Pointless Gaming Accessories

8. Novelty Wii Controllers

The Nintendo Wii was a revolution for the video game world, both in terms of how it introduced motion sensing in a big way, and how it also opened up video games to become more socially acceptable and accessible for the casual player. One of the big launch titles was Wii Sports, which allowed players to use the Wii-Mote to play tennis, golf, boxing, baseball and countless other sports. Needless to say, the title was a big hit, and so it wasn't long before third-party peripheral manufacturers tried to jump on the bandwagon as best they could. The end result is these daft, clunky novelty "controllers" that the Wii-Mote can be placed inside to give players a more physical representation of what they are doing on screen, such as hitting a tennis ball or beaming a baseball. While these peripherals don't exactly look terrible, it's just difficult to see what the point is; they don't alter the gameplay in any way, and merely add a little piece of mind for the older gamer, who perhaps can't make sense of how their Wii-Mote swing would otherwise allow a character on their television to swing a tennis racket.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.