10 Touching Tributes Hidden In Video Games
6. Sarah's Jenner Mech - MechWarrior Online
It's always tragic when cancer strikes, but it's especially heartbreaking when it affects the youngest of us. Little Sarah Parries was only five years old when her family received the news that she suffered from an inoperable brain tumor.
Sarah and her father, Jon, enjoyed playing video games together, their favorite being MechWarrior Online. She loved to run around in the game and blow things up with lasers, and just like her father, she had a passion for the BattleTech universe. Her favorite mech in the game was the Jenner, which is why, when Sarah sadly passed away, the team at Piranha Games released a special Jenner mech in her honor.
The mech became an exclusive charity item thanks to a petition from MechWarrior Online's community, who wanted to show support for the family in mourning. The charity event raised over $120,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society in 2013.
It's truly amazing how a supportive community can turn a small, hidden tribute into a full-blown charity drive that helps change peoples' lives for the better.
Sometimes, the internet can do great things.