10 Tough Video Game Bosses That Can Be Instantly Defeated With One Simple Secret

Why fight when you can just defeat your enemies with a click of a button?

The Witcher 3
CD Projekt RED

Fighting video game bosses can be a lot of hard work. It takes skill, determination, and plenty of practice, especially if you're playing a soulslike or other type of game designed with difficulty in mind.

But what if you don't want to put in so much effort to beat a boss? What if you're struggling with the challenge they pose and you'd rather find a quick and easy way to get rid of them?

Well, luckily, some games allow you to do just that!

Every now and then, a title might include a secret that allows you to defeat a boss without lifting a finger! Instead of putting hours into fighting them the legitimate way, you can just use a special method hidden by the developers to make your enemy break instantly!

Through special items, secret mechanics, or clever tactics that most players won't think of at first, you can finish the fight with the following bosses in the blink of an eye.

Of course, these secrets won't get rid of every boss in the game, but they can still give you the satisfaction of turning a really hard fight into a walk in the park.

10. Anna Navarre's and Gunther Hermann's Killphrases - Deus Ex

The Witcher 3
Ion Storm

Deus Ex presents a bleak dystopian reality where everything is owned by shadowy organizations and nothing and no one is safe from their influence.

To reflect on this, the game features so-called “killswitches”—special mechanisms built into cybernetic augments that can fry their users alive with a single utterance of the right phrase.

Now, this might sound like a threat to your own character, JC Denton, but in reality, it’s actually a major issue for his two colleagues-turned-enemies, Anna Navarre and Gunther Hermann.

Although the two agents start off as Denton’s allies, they eventually turn on him and are sent to assassinate him on behalf of their agency. At this point you don’t have much choice, other than to fight them, however, if taking on two cybernetically enhanced super soldiers sounds like too much work, you can always just learn their killphrases and explode them with just a few words.

To get Anna’s killphrase, all you have to do is check her and Manderley's computers, and to get Gunther’s, you have to tell Jaime Reyes to stay in UNATCO instead of fleeing to Hong Kong.

Acquiring the phrases is super easy and almost as satisfying as blowing up your enemies with them!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.