10 Toughest Battles In Pokémon History

6. Wikstrom - Pokémon X & Y

Wikstrom Pokemon

The decision to make the teams used by Elite Four members in Pokémon X & Y smaller may seem like it's continued to contribute to the sixth generation games so easy. In some cases this was definitely true, but in the case of Steel Type user Wikstrom there was still a serious battle to be had.

As one would expect for a Steel Type team, Wikstrom's Pokémon are mostly very sturdy. This is not a team you're likely to brush aside with a succession of one-hit KOs unless you get insanely lucky. His own battlers, however, are capable of inflicting such a fate on your team.

With Klefki able to launch into the battle and unleash Spikes onto the field early, you'll have to start acting quickly to avoid taking the turn-by-turn damage. With Probopass and Scizor likely to follow, damage will be flowing in from all angles with seriously powerful attacks unleashed every turn. But the coup de gras is yet to come. Wikstrom's Aegislash will make great use of signature move King's Shield to negate your attacks and drop the attack power of your Pokémon regularly. On alternating turns it can then strike with immense speed to inflict major damage, showing why it's become such a popular choice for players in competitive battling!

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.