10 Toughest Battles In Pokémon History

4. Clair - Pokémon Gold & Silver

Clair Pokemon Gold

After duelling with Lance in Red & Blue many players probably would have felt as though they could confidently overcome Dragon Types with ease when Generation Two rolled around. Final Gym Leader Clair would have had other ideas, however, and suddenly Dragon Types had a reason to be feared again.

Starting off with a trio of very different Dragonair, Clair makes use of her team's solid pace and supreme strength early in battle. Each of her Dragonair is able to paralyse with Thunder Wave or the occasional effects of Slam and from there they are able to deal serious damage with an Ice, Water or Electric Type Attack respectively. These three were clearly equipped with an eye toward defeating your evolved starter.

But things aren't over once you defeat the terrible trio and Clair's final Pokémon is the toughest of all. When Gold & Silver (and the remakes) were released there was no Fairy Type in the game, meaning that this Kingdra only had a slight weakness to other Dragon Type attacks. Given that it's highly unlikely you'd have a solid Dragon type by this stage of these game you simply have to pray you can outlast Kingdra's devastating pace and power...

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.