10 Toughest Video Game Moral Choices (And What You Picked)

1. End Human Augmentation, Or Allow It To Continue? - Deus Ex: Human Revolution

elder scrolls skyrim
Square Enix

The stakes: In a bid to end human augmentation a disillusioned member of the Illuminati sabotages a biochip upgrade for augmented people, driving them violently insane. It’s up to players to decide what happens next, determining the fate of human augmentation and human evolution itself.

The choice: There are four options: reveal the truth behind the incident, leading to the end of human augmentation; heavily regulate augmentation, handing control to the Illuminati; frame anti-augmentation extremists, allowing augmentation to continue, or keep the true nature of the incident a secret and let humanity to decide for itself.

The verdict: According to this poll players chose for augmentation to continue. The consensus is that it is human nature to push the boundaries and to curtail our drive for progress is to stagnate and waste our potential.

Augmentation has also done enormous good, helping amputees walk, the blind to see, and increasing productivity, and given time could realize its promise of a new human utopia. And while the potential for abuse is rife, as the ending cutscene says:

"...Won't achieving the dream be worth it? We can become the gods we've always been striving to be. We might as well get good at it."

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