10 Toughest Video Game Moral Choices (And What You Picked)

8. Family, The Innocent, Or Riches? - Fable II

elder scrolls skyrim
Lionhead Studios

The stakes: During the course of their adventure the protagonist, the Hero, embarks on a quest to find the Spire, a lost tower with the power to grant wishes. During the adventure they loose their sister, their dog, and potentially their family, as well as witnessing the deaths of the hundreds of innocent slaves forced to rebuild the Spire. The Spire has the power to resurrect some, but not all.

The choice: The player can choose Sacrifice, which returns the slaves to life but at the cost of their family and dog. The player can choose Love, which returns their sister, family and dog to life, but at the cost of the slaves. Or the player can choose Wealth, in which case they receive one million gold but their loved ones and the slaves stay dead.

The verdict: Players (see here) chose Love. The reason is surprising: though admitting that they did not think they would care much for the feature, the majority of players grew to love their dog, and family, enough to want them back.

The attachment was so strong that even among players who chose Sacrifice, citing it as the selfless choice, many reloaded and choose Love instead, proving that blood really is thicker than water.


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