10 Toughest Video Game Moral Choices (And What You Picked)
5. The Imperials Or Stormcloaks: Who Will Rule? – The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The stakes: The Imperial province of Skyrim is in a state of civil war. The situation is complex: facing defeat at the hands of the elven Thalmor the Empire sues for peace, but at the cost of outlawing Talos-worship.
This angers many local Nords who, led by Ulfric Stormcloak, rebel, seeking to establish an independent Skyrim. This, in turn, risks an invasion by the Thalmor.
In response the Empire, seeking to maintain peace with the Thalmor and retain its province, takes up arms to stamp out the rebellion. In the balance hangs the freedom of all Skyrim’s citizens.
The choice: Players must choose between the Empire or the Stormcloaks, and whoever they choose wins control over Skyrim.
The verdict: According to this poll the majority of players sided with the Empire.
The Stormcloaks are seen as arrogant, racist, nationalistic extremists too wrapped up in their resentment over the ban on traditional worship to understand the bigger picture, and who, because of it, would almost certainly loose a war with the Thalmor.
But the vote is not an outright majority, and while the Empire is seen as more likeable they are not necessarily seen as morally superior, making this more a vote against the Stormcloaks rather than for the Empire.