10 Twisted Secret Levels In Video Games

1. Rise Of The Triad - The Grand Vomitorium / Escape From The Vomitorium

Wolfenstein The New Order 3D Easter egg
Apogee Software

A few warp-only levels existed in this cult-classic shooter, one of which was known as, The Grand Vomitorium. It was so unfair; level designer Joe Siegler wanted you to get as annoyed by it as possible, even going so far as to encourage you to cheat in order to win.

Everything seems as usual to begin with: hopping rides on floating pads in huge rooms with “YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE” scrawled across each wall.

Then you’re dropped into what looks like a floor with sky and no walls. Fall out of the map, and you’re dead. You have to go through a few tight corridors (with an ‘Elasto’ mode to turn you into rubber and send you flying into the void) to reach a lift, which teleports you to another void-filled room.

In the distance, “CHEAT NOW” is spelled with floating hover pads. You have limited time to dodge the incoming pads ( they’re ready to push you off the edge, too), squeeze through another tight strip of floor, and beat the level. Naturally, it’s much, much easier said than done.

It’s mind-blowing; Siegler was utilizing every exploit in the engine to tease the player.

ROTT's reboot featured Escape From The Vomitorium, with death-defying feats of pant-sh*tting platforming after being launched hundreds of feet into the air. The hallucinogenic and bouncy power-downs are all in play, ready to fling you into the void.

And to reward your valiant, vomit-inducing actions, a Dopefish will fly out and eat you, thus ending the stage.

Twisted stuff.

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Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.