10 Twisted Secret Levels In Video Games

6. Diablo 2 - The Moo Moo Farm

Wolfenstein The New Order 3D Easter egg
Blizzard Entertainment

Rumours were a-buzzing back when the first game was knocking about that apparently there was a secret level with a grand militia of killer bovine present.

As you’d imagine, it was a load of tripe. The story goes that if you clicked on a certain cow in the game multiple times, you’d be teleported to this fantastic place. Yeah, right...

Remember, though: this was the nineties, where a rumour could easily become a future feature in the next game. Just look at Mortal Kombat.

Getting back on topic, Blizzard decided to add the fabled cow level into Diablo’s sequel. Since crafting became an integral part of the game, players tried experimenting with what they had. Some were lucky enough to create a key to enter this bizarre zone.

As you’d expect, it’s full of cows. Armed with sharp axes and travelling in large packs, wandering around the area is not a very wise idea, unless you want to be turned into burgers.

You only get once chance to overthrow their leader, the Cow King, per difficulty level. After that, it’s locked up for good.

On the plus side, you can swipe up some wonderful treasures and unusual tales to impress your friends at the local tavern.


Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.