10 Twisted Video Game Achievements That Rewarded You For Being A Dick

3. View Of The Valley - Asura's Wrath

Asura's wrath view of the valley

Just some pure, old-school, vintage video game-ass video gaming going on here.

Although... this was only back in 2013, showing just how far we've come in a short time, as "View of the Valley" - awarded for literally staring at a lady's boobs for too long - would draw fire and fury today. Even Hideo Kojima barely got away with turning Quiet into a lapdancer in MGS V because the rest of the game was so damn stellar.

Regardless, Asura's Wrath is mostly about one very angry man taking the fight to a number of Gods whilst yelling the entire time, though the game does take a moment to relax (literally) when Asura hops in a hot spring.

From here, click in the right stick and you can "focus" your view... on the lady's breasts, zooming in until she pulls away in horror - most likely because if you could see Asura's face, it would be wide-eyed and mouth agape.

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