10 ULTRA Hard Video Game Opening Levels That Broke You

8. Temple Of Trials - Fallout 2

Demons souls
Black Isle Studios

Fallout 2's opening tutorial sequence is the bane of many players' time with the otherwise terrific RPG, a deeply lazy labyrinth of tests designed to check players' mettle before they start the game proper.

You'll need to fend off giant ants and radscorpions with a pathetic spear, pick locks, and if you want the easiest route to freedom, talk your way out of combat with a human opponent.

The biggest issue is that it assumes you played the first Fallout, and so if you're new to the franchise and start the tutorial with the "wrong" build - that is, one not terribly suited to handling explosives or talking smooth - you're basically screwed.

It might be a fair assessment to say that the Temple of Trials is more soul-drainingly dull than it is truly ball-bustingly difficult, but it's basically a textbook example of how not to bring players up to speed, especially as it's unskippable (without modding the game, at least).

The backlash against the level was significant enough that developers Black Isle Studios later stated that they were forced to include the tutorial in the game by its publisher, Interplay.

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Demon's Souls
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.