5. Manhunt 2
Given the uproar it caused, we’d be remiss to make a list of games that were deemed unacceptable without including Manhunt or its sequel.
Whether you agree with the inflammatory response to the game or not, it’s undeniable that this one made waves. To say the least. The initial cut of Manhunt 2 received an Adult’s Only rating, restricting it from sale and essentially banning the game, until it was edited so it could achieve an M rating instead. Rockstar’s series is, at its most basic, a murder-simulation, riddled with violence and gore and there are many ways you can execute and maim those unlucky enough to meet you throughout the game.
Even though the graphics don’t hold up particularly well for gamers who might be revisiting the title to see what all the fuss is about, those who played it at the time will remember how brutal it was.
Manhunt 2 was initially seen as unacceptable because some claimed it was connected to a murder in the UK that happened at the same time, while others were appalled that the original received a sequel at all. Activists campaigned against it and tried to get it classified a “public nuisance”, government officials tried to have its M-rating reinstated as AO and in Australia the game was never ever submitted for reclassification rendering it banned.
Classic Australia on that one, though, honestly.