10 Unbelievable Reasons Why You Can't Play These Video Games

6. The Failure Of Haze Destroyed Publisher Confidence - TimeSplitters 4

Batman Gotham By Gaslight Symbol
Free Radical

Despite the fact that TimeSplitters: Future Perfect released 16 years ago, fans are still passionately rattling the cages for a fourth game, which was tacitly confirmed to be in development back in 2007.

But by the end of 2008, the studio was left bankrupt due to the failure of their blockbuster FPS Haze, until they were acquired by Crytek and TimeSplitters 4 was put "on hold."

In recent years, Free Radical's boss Karl Hilton opened up about the company's attempts to shop the property around to other publishers, all of which passed on a fourth TimeSplitters due to Haze's failure:

"Publishers would ask what happened with Haze. We were the company that made a series of high-rated shooters and then we had released Haze, which wasn't as well received. This worried them."

The fact that no publisher has dared to pull the trigger on a sequel to one of the most beloved shooter franchises of all time in almost two decades is just baffling.

There are periodic rumblings that a new game might be on the cards, but it's best to expect nothing until an official announcement is made. And even then, probably save the champagne and confetti for the day you're actually playing it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.