10 Underused Pokémon You're TOTALLY Wrong About

9. Shedinja

Pokemon magikarp

Players could be forgiven for binning off this Ghost/ Bug-type Pokémon, as it’s not very interesting to look at. At first glance at its stats, move-set and pathetic 1 HP, Shedinja could be deemed as nothing special by the average player. However, these players couldn’t be more wrong if they tried.

With a little planning, Shedinja has the potential to be immortal in battle. Opponents will have to watch in terror as this small bug chips away at their team’s health bar until it collapses. Ensuring that Shedinja has the wonder guard ability will negate any direct attacks, unless they happen to be super effective. To make things even more frustrating for the opponent, giving Shedinja the Safety Goggles item to hold will protect it from all weather and powder attacks.

Though, true bug immortality doesn’t come until the player’s second Pokémon hits Shedinja with the move Soak, turning it into a Water-type Pokémon. At this point the only thing that could kill Shedinja is a super effective electric-type move.

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Always chooses the fire-type starter Pokemon.