10 Most Unexpected Reveals Of E3 2014

1. Splatoon

NintendoNintendoNintendo are a company that often get accused of churning out the same sequels over and over again. While anyone who knows much about the company will point to games like Eternal Darkness, Goldeneye and even upcoming games like Bayonetta 2 and X, what people really want from Nintendo, it seems, is something entirely new. Well, with Splatoon Nintendo have given us exactly that. Splatoon is an 8 player online third person shooter, that sees players firing ink over a map to claim as much territory as possible. Splatoon requires players to spray areas with ink not just to claim the enemy€™s territory, but also as it allows you to travel through it in squid form. Yes, squid form. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L54s2m1dPs As weird as this sounds, the footage and previews so far make this look like the most refreshing take on the gnere in years. The quick movements in the ink and the fast paced, territorial shooter look like a blast (pun intended). Nintendo announcing a new IP is something that was surprising enough, but no one could have expected their EAD Tokyo studio to unveil an online third person shooter for the Wii U. In a great year for E3 surprises, this was definitely the most out there reveal.
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Having written for Official Playstation Mag, Godisageek and obviously What Culture. Tom is a London based writer who loves him some games. You may also find his articles lurking in the film and comic sections on rare occasions.