10 Unexpected Ways To Master Challenging Video Game Mechanics

5. Use Numlock To Autocast Skills - Diablo III

Ghost Of Tsushima Standoff

One of Diablo III's most vital skills involves being able to juggle the sheer amount of logistical chaos that can flood the screen at any one time, and also use your hand's muscle memory to efficiently cast skills without developing a nasty cramp.

Well, Diablo III shipped with a bug/secret feature allowing you to autocast a skill repeatedly by using your keyboard's numlock key.

By setting the secondary key bindings for your action bar skills as number keys on the numpad, you can then simply press this key at the same time as the numlock key and the game will autocast whatever skill was bound to said number key.

Better still, you can even autocast multiple skills at once by simply pressing the respective keys at the same time along with numlock. Magic.

Though this "feature" was accidentally built into the game by Blizzard, you can rest assured that nobody's ever been banned for using the numlock trick, so have at it without fear of being banned.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.