10 Unforgiving Video Games Hardly Anyone Can Beat

1. Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy (2017)

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Bennett Foddy

Innovation Nuovo award winner at the Independant Games Festival, Getting Over It With with Bennett Foddy is a game that is designed to push players' patience to the absolute limit.

The game sees players take control of Diogenes, a hiker who lives permanently in a cauldron and whose soul mission in life is to haul himself up various obstacles using just his trusty rock-climbing hammer. Players control Diogenes with just their mouse (or trackpad, if they're a complete psycho), with one small slip being enough to undo so much painstaking progress.

Developer Bennett Foddy was apparently inspired by purposefully-difficult titles growing up, believing that features like mid-level saving was denying a certain type of gamer an experience they craved. With that being said, out of the 2.7 million players that have taking on Getting Over It, just 1% of those have managed to actually beat the game, showcasing just how much of an achievement a flawless run in the game truly is.

Foddy's philosophical insights and rambles throughout the game will either soothe or infuriate players, but there's no denying Getting Over It remains one of the most brutal titles in the Steam library.

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