10 Unique Weapons That Only Exist In One Game

9. Magnopulser- Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 alien gun

Though Far Cry 5 plays it much more serious than its weirder spin-off cousins, it still includes a couple of surprises in its arsenal; the main one being the Magnopulser.

You know this thing is going to be unlike your average SMG or handgun because it comes in the oddest quest in the whole game. In Out of This World, you have to help a man named Larry build a teleporter to send him, well, out of this world, and while it doesn't quite go to plan, you do get this nifty gun as a reward.

Essentially, this acts as something of a force push device, with every press of the trigger sending out a wave that results in enemies (or animals) going flying in response. You can get creative with this as well depending on the angle you shoot, or you can just fire it point blank and vaporise anyone in front of you.

Both options are as fun as the other, honestly, so just go nuts.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3