10 Unnecessary Video Games So Bad You Forgot They Existed

3. Mortal Kombat: Special Forces

gears of war judgment
Games Radar

In a weird way, you've got to admire Midway for doubling down after the craptastic disaster that was MK Mythologies: Sub Zero.

Yet in a more grounded, normal sense, you've got to wonder what they were on in the late 90's/turn of the century.

Let's be honest, though: Jax is a boring character.

If Ermac hadn't torn his arms off (depending on which of the timelines is canon), he'd just have been relegated to being Sonya's sidekick. As such, he becomes a veritable slugger in later instalments, packing a literal punch and some fleshed out story along the way.

But back in 2000, nobody cared, and certainly nobody asked for a lame third person game revolving around Mr. Briggs. Even series creator Ed Boon distances himself from it, that's how bad it is.

It goes to show that Mortal Kombat is the sum of its parts, and shouldn't be split off into subsequent cash grab attempts, whoever the publisher is. Whatever will they think of next, a go-karting mini-game in MK Armageddon...?


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.