10 Unrealistically Hyped Video Games That Inevitably Sucked

8. Rift

Billed as the 'WoW killer' I didn't think much of Rift when it first came out. I'd never been too into World of Warcraft either but fantasy MMO's just never did it for me and apparently I didn't miss much in skipping this one. Rift was marketed and hyped up massively as the MMO which would compete with World of Warcraft and take the crown away from it, maybe not redefine the fantasy genre, but certainly change it with its use of the titular Rifts. The game launched and...reviewers were satisfied. It generally received positive review across the board but still it failed to match the millions of people who choose to play World of Warcraft. Even now I still see World of Warcraft advertisements everywhere. Sure, back when Rift was being produced they were on most sites too, but now all I see is Cataclysm and Mists of Panderia adverts taking up space on the wikis I like to scour for useful information in my geeky life. Rift certainly wasn't a disappointment critically, in fact it did very well according to critics. However, for all the hype it got and for all the attention it received it just didn't live up to that expectation. If you're looking for a fantasy MMO then just stick to WoW.

A gamer at heart with nothing more than a goal to get on the scoreboard. Just kidding.