10 Unused Villains Who Should Be In The Next Batman Video Game

7. The Terrible Trio

Batman Villains

Although not the most complex or famous nuisances the Dark Knight has repeatedly put behind bars, The Terrible Trio is an amusing team of men who wear the masks of a fox, vulture and shark.

Despite being re-imagined in the Doctor Mid-Nite comics in 1999 as cultists who would summon the powers of Earth, air and water, The Terrible Trio were better handled in the 1950s and 60s as robbers and smugglers who alternated between performing missions on land, in the air or under the sea to fit their animal theme.

The biggest issue with the Arkham Knight – besides the Bat Tank and horribly predictable reveal – was repetitive side content. The way The Terrible Trio switch between land, air and sea would ensure a much-needed variety in environment and strategy, allowing Batman's next game to avoid the mediocrity and tedious repetition Two-Face and the Penguin suffered from in Rocksteady’s final outing.

Yeah, they admittedly suffer from being silly, goofy and one-dimensional, but with a long list of psychopaths whose prime hobby is butchering and decapitating people, sometimes it’s nice to focus on stopping spoilt rich kids who have simple motivations instead of elaborate schemes.

That and they look ridiculously cool and nostalgic in their tailored suits.

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