10 Upcoming Games To Keep You Busy Until Watch Dogs

1. Wolfenstein: The New Order (May 20)

The week before Watch Dogs will no doubt feel like the longest week of waiting, and so we've got the latest attempt to reboot the Wolfenstein franchise after 2009's attempt received mixed reviews and poor sales. It's worth noting that this is the first Wolfenstein game in over 20 years not to be developed by Id Software, but rather the totally untested new company, MachineGames. Still, the story certainly sounds interesting, taking place in an alternate 1960s in which the Nazis won WWII, and it's refreshing to hear that the game won't include a forced multiplayer mode (much like the 2009 game did): as a result, there's no excuse for a shoddy single player. To be fair, journalist response to the playable builds of the game so far have been relatively mixed, but for those of us reared on this franchise, it's going to be difficult to resist picking it up. Plus, it'll keep us busy until Watch Dogs is out if nothing else. Which games are you going to be playing to whittle away the wait for Watch Dogs? Let us know in the comments!
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.