10 Upcoming Gaming Sequels (We Really Don't Need)

10. Battlefield 5

One of the more refreshing aspects of the Battlefield franchise compared to its main competitor, Call of Duty, is that EA made a conscious decision not to annualise the series and just release a new entry every year, because frankly, it just wasn't needed. Battlefield 3 hit stores in 2011, and Battlefield 4 came out in 2013, giving us two years per title of massive multiplayer mayhem, right? Wrong (maybe). Rumours have intensified over the past few weeks that Battlefield 5 will not only be shown off at next month's E3, but that it will be set with a year-end release date, bucking EA's impressively restrained trend and annualising the franchise. What's truly abhorrent about this, though, is that EA shouldn't be working on the fifth Battlefield when the last game is still so fundamentally broken for pretty much all the platforms it's been released on. Dodgy netcode, ridiculous glitches and connection issues have rendered the game problematic ever since launch, yet rather than focus their efforts on fixing that, it appears that, if the rumour is correct, they're going to try and squeeze another £40 from us in just 6 months' time. Hopefully fans will vote with their wallets if this is the case, because EA's horrendous mishandling of BF4's launch is disgraceful and unacceptable.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.