10 Upcoming Horror Video Games You've Been Sleeping On


scorn game

As if proving that not all horror video games need to be scary to be worth taking note of, SPOOKWARE is basically what would happen if you crossed WarioWare with... well... spooky times?

It's an incredibly brief affair but one that the developer Papercookies should be immensely proud off, as this collection of mini-games is so well thought out and ludicrously entertaining that I'm sure people would be keen to get an expansive version. From finding Nosferatu in the dark, to trying to shoot the heads off of zombie plants, to finding pages hidden in a wood all in under 30 seconds a time, SPOOKWARE is a mile a minute experience.

Requiring only the directional buttons and fingers of steel, SPOOKWARE manages to provide laughs and the occasional hair raising moment (especially in its final "game") which makes it perfect in delivering on its intentions.

And you know the best part? At the time of writing the game is just about to be published so may well indeed be ready for you to try out!


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